Research Events

Here at Abbot’s Lea School, we aspire to become an International Centre of Autism Research, Education and Development.

One of the aspects of that goal is sharing knowledge with the wider community. We do that through training and research events.

On this page, you can read about upcoming research events, as well as watch recordings of previous ones. The events are open to everyone and free to attend. You can also suggest new topics or guests, and share these recordings with whom you like.

Research café - Comics for Learning+

23 May 2023 at 3-4pm (online via Zoom)

Comics for Learning
Dr Sara Mursic

In this session, we will discuss the benefits of developing visual literacy, reading comic books and graphic novels for autistic minds. Join us to learn more about the natural connection of visual learners and comics.

Join the session via this link:

Research café - Creative therapeutic opportunities outdoors - RECORDING AVAILABLE+

8 Nov 2022 at 2pm-3pm – Zoom
Creative therapeutic opportunities outdoors
Dr Zoe Moula


Research café - Music Education (Dr Anna Mariguddi) - RECORDING AVAILABLE+

18 Oct 2022 at 2pm-3pm – Zoom
Music Education (Dr Anna Mariguddi)

Dr Anna Mariguddi from Edge Hill University joined me for a discussion about music in schools and ways we can enhance our lessons to encourage exploration, support development and facilitate creativity. You can watch the recording of the event below:

Read more about Anna’s work or contact her directly:

Useful links:

Big thanks to Dr Mariguddi for sharing her perspectives with us, it was inspiring and motivating.

International conference 2022+

International conference (June 2022)

In the current educational and therapeutic practice, there are numerous methods and approaches to working with children with SEND. Depending on the awareness and available resources, every community tends to find the best solution for this group of children in order to achieve the best result or the greatest possible improvement. Given the individual characteristics of each child, and the different needs of each family, it is important for professionals today to be aware and combine different methods and approaches in order to connect with and support the whole ecosystem around the child. For some, combining two methods will result in a new, integrative approach, and for others, it will require collaboration within and outside a multidisciplinary team.

In June, we organised our first international conference aimed at developing an open-dialogue among all stakeholders from across disciplines and professions.
We believe that the dialogue will help us develop effective and comprehensive services for children, young people and the whole families within their community.
International conference Innovative methods and approaches in working with children with SEND was organised jointly by the Children’s Creative Centre DOKKICA (Osijek, Croatia) and Abbot’s Lea School (Liverpool, UK).
In our partnership, we consider the development of the relationships with a child and family, as well as the optimal social-sensory environment as two crucial factors for successful support within all settings.
Date: 15 June 2022
Location: Online (via Zoom)
More information can be found on the website
The conference is held as part of the project Development of Innovative Social Services project – Integrative Counselling and Support Centre, co-financed by the European Social Fund, of which DOKKICA is a beneficiary.
Research Focus Group 2018-2020+

Research Focus Group 2018-2020

Our Research Focus Group, supported by students, families, staff, and allies within the Autism community, was established in 2018 and has continued to drive forward our Autism research initiatives at Abbot’s Lea School. New members have been welcomed at each meeting and it has been an excellent example of how our school works in close partnerships with organisations from other sectors.

Previous meetings have allowed the group to share experiences and perspectives on a variety of topics, which have included Employability and the existing provision for girls in specialist education.

Last year the Research Focus Group were tasked with the design of a whole school consultation to shape a research agenda that reflects the priorities of our school community. What is it that matters most to our students, their families, and the staff that work tirelessly to provide the best specialist education?

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