Awareness Days

We choose our Awareness Days based on the cohort of students in our school. The awareness days support their natural interests and help foster skills, knowledge and new interests where they are identified as being particularly important.

To be celebrated in school on: Awareness Day
13 September Roald Dahl Story Day
16 September National Teaching Assistants’ Day
21 September/

27 September

Recycling Week
22 September National Fitness Day
27 September European Day of Languages
Month of October ADHD Awareness Month
4 October World Dyslexia Awareness Day
5 October World Teachers Day
7 October National Poetry Day
11 October World Mental Health Day
15 October World Food Day
Last week of Term 1 Halloween
1-7 November UK Parliament Week
5 November Bonfire Night
10 November World Science Day
11 November Remembrance Day
W/C 11 November Anti-bullying week
12 November Children in Need
W/C 16 November Road Safety week
W/C 15 November World Nursery Rhyme Week
December Advent and Christmas TBC
17 January World Religion Day
21 January National Reading Day
W/C 30 January National Storytelling Week
3 February Time to Talk day
W/C 8 February National Apprenticeship Week
1 February Chinese New Year
4 February


NSPCC Number Day
W/C 7 February Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
8 February Safer Internet Day
14 February Valentine’s Day
28 February/

13 March

Fairtrade Fortnight
1 March Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)
28 February Global Scouse Day
3 March World Book Day
W/C 5 March British Science Week
W/C 7 March National Careers Week
16 March Young Carers Awareness Day
18 March Global Recycling Day
 18 March Comic Relief
21-25 March Neurodiversity Week
21 March World Oral Health Day
21 March World Poetry Day
23 March World Maths Day
25 March Mothering Day
28 March World Theatre Day
W/C 28 March World Autism Acceptance Week
Friday 1 April World Autism Awareness Day
W/C 4 April Easter Sunday
26 April Drop Everything and Read Day
6 May VE Day
W/C 9 May Mental Health Awareness Week
 19 May Outdoor Classroom Day
W/C 23 May British Sandwich Week
6 June World Environment Day
7 June Tourette’s Awareness Day
17 June Autistic Pride Day
17 June Fathers’ Day
21 June World Music Day
23 June National Writing Day
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